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Who We Are

In the complex landscape of modern geopolitics, extremist groups like Hamas and ISIS have drawn global attention for their radical ideologies, militant activities, and the profound impact they have had on the Middle East and beyond. While they each represent distinct entities with unique histories, objectives, and methods, it is essential to explore the underlying similarities that unite them in their quest for power and influence.

Hamas, founded in 1987, is a Palestinian political and military organization that emerged in response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, aiming to establish an independent Palestinian state. In contrast, ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, emerged in the early 21st century with the goal of establishing a caliphate across the region, ultimately aiming to unite Muslims worldwide under its extremist interpretation of Islam.

This website will explore the counterparts that connect Hamas and ISIS, including their use of violence as a means to achieve their objectives, their manipulation of religious ideology for political gain, and their strategies to gain international attention and support.

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